Corneal Collagen Cross Linking (C3R) Treatment
What does C3R stands for ?
C3R stands for Corneal Collagen Cross Linking with Riboflavin.
Corneal Collagen Cross Linking (C3R) is actually a procedure that is commonly used as a Keratoconus treatment. It is something that Evista Eye Care Centre is pleased to offer to suitable patients, and it has the potential to slow or even stop the progression of Keratoconus. Let’s take a look at some top facts about C3R.
As mentioned above, C3R is a Keratoconus treatment. Keratoconus is a fairly rare condition of the eye where the cornea becomes stretched and begins to form something of a bulge or cone shape where it should usually be round.
C3R is not the only treatment available for Keratoconus, so you might find that if you come to us for treatment, our doctors recommends something different or that you combine C3R with another treatment as well.
It’s important that patients should be aware of thae fact that C3R is a treatment and not a cure. This means that you are likely to continue to wear glasses following your treatment, although the treatment should prevent your Keratoconus from getting worse.
One of the ways in which C3R helps to slow or halt Keratoconus is by enhancing the links between your cornea’s collagen protein strands. This has the effect of making the cornea more rigid, which helps to slow the progression of the condition.
Most patients with Keratoconus should be suitable for treatment with C3R. There are a couple of exceptions to this. For example, if your Keratoconus is particularly advanced then you might not be suitable to have the treatment, but our doctors will discuss the alternative options with you.
However, the majority of patients with progressive Keratoconus should be fine to have the treatment. For more information on Keratoconus or how C3R can be used to treat it, please book a consultation with one of our highly qualified Surgeons.
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